
What is e-Counselling?

As an alternative to traditional face-to-face therapy, e-counselling affords people the option of engaging and interfacing with a qualified psychologist online, through video call, rather than face-to-face, in a consulting room. The benefit of this is the convenience of removing traffic and travel time, and also extending the bounds of choice of therapist, independent of the natural limitations of geography.

This modality works best for individuals:

  • Who live in remote areas, under-serviced by mental health professionals.
  • Whose frenetic work/home/travel commitments make regular visits to a psychologist difficult or impossible.
  • Who want access to a Psychologist as and when they need, but do not necessarily require weekly face-to-face meetings.
  • Who would like to be held accountable for their life goals, and offered support around these, e.g. weight loss, behaviour change, etc.
  • Who have specific questions of a psychological nature that they would like a considered and expert response to, e.g. parenting concerns.
  • Who benefit from writing, perhaps more than speaking, but would like an objective, professional “audience” to read, probe and guide their journey – almost like “blogging” or journaling.
Adult Psychotherapy Services - South Africa


Psychotherapy is the process of exploring an individual’s experiences, emotions, relationship dynamics, personality and history in order to promote insight and self-awareness.

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As an alternative to traditional face-to-face therapy, e-counselling affords people the option of engaging with a psychologist via video call (I use Zoom). This adds the element of convenience and choice, independent of diaries and distance.

Self-Help Resources Created & Published by Debbie

For those seeking urgent assistance and insight, these programs and publications are instantly available once downloaded.

Free Guide

Stop Fighting & Start communicating

  • How to stop a fight in its tracks
  • How to get to the ROOT of your problem, and FIX it
  • How to repair your core CONNECTION, and understand each other again

Relationship Mini-Course

When to Hold & When to Fold

  • Are you deeply conflicted about the state of your romantic relationship?
  • Are you deeply conflicted about the state of your romantic relationship?

In this mini course, I talk you through all the factors to consider before making an educated call, one way or the other.

Because it's better to DECIDE and have CLARITY, than to live in confusion and overwhelm.

Special Online Course for Couples

Relationship Rehab

  • Do You Crave Peace With Your Partner?
  • Are you SO sick of fights on repeat, and fighting about the fight? But never resolving ANYTHING?
  • Are you DESPERATE to move beyond toxic conflict, and actually start to UNDERSTAND each other, and work TOGETHER?

Transform YOUR relationship today, and in the comfort of you own home.

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